It's a pretty well known fact that I love Pop Music. Okay, let's be honest, 'love' is an understatement. I'm kind of obsessed with it. Much to the chagrin of my husband, I love Britney Spears. In her 'prime', she was fabulous. I love her dancing, love her over produced songs, and I love the fact that we share the same birthday. But I will say, I don't love how she's gone... um... shall we say... 'downhill'. (although I did go see her Circus concert when it came through and I actually thought it was fabulous)
I also love 'Boy Bands'. I love N*SYNC, Backstreet... yeah... my heart still skips a beat when I hear 'I Want You Back' or 'Quit Playing Games With My Heart'. Anyway, I know that I'm now on the verge of being totally and completely pathetic for admitting this (or maybe to some I already am), so why stop here, I might as well confess my latest love.
Justin Bieber
Anyway, get yourselves out to Target, buy his albums (they're under $8 a piece - awesome) and tell everyone you're buying them for your niece's 8th birthday when in reality you're just going to burn her a copy (granted, you're going to burn all the songs onto one disk vs having two, and that's super thoughtful) because that's what I'm doing. And maybe you can even start a rigorous 'song learning training' with your niece so that you can take her the Justin Bieber concert this summer since chances are there's no-one else who would even dream of going with you.
I've heard that we make our own destiny...
so I'm sure as heck going to try and make that concert a part of mine.
I have never heard of him - or maybe I have heard his songs but didn't know it was him. I also love Pop Music. My iPod is filled with songs from Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, etc.
Kimberly... we were meant to be friends.
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