
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Girls Night Out

when you're with your girlfriends
you're guaranteed to have a good time...

even when the car won't start.

To the young lady who's boyfriend gave us a 'jump': 

When you see four women who are obviously much older than yourself and your man, and they're cheering when the car starts because they just want to get home before midnight, chances are they're NOT interested in your significant other in any way, shape or form. So making a bee-line towards him and starting a make-out fest before we can even get into the car was  totally un-necessary. We realize that you were just marking your territory, but this wagon train wasn't even interested in stopping. 


Kimberly and Ed said...

Hee Hee - this post made me laugh:-)

Sunshine said...

Awesome. If a little perceived competition spices things up for them, who are we to judge? Just kidding--this is hilarious and made my day! :)

Anonymous said...

That is too funny! Geepers, guess she didn't realize when he offered to give you a jump, that meant a whole different thing to his girlfriend. I hope she was at least pretty because I know the four of you were hot. And are you even old enough to be considered a cougar?

Jenny said...

ha ha! you're too funny. :)

JimandJackie said...

I LOVE a ladies night! You crack me up!!!! Maybe he was scoping you ladies out!

Mama Kat said...

If my computer frys from the coke zero that just came from my nose I am holding you responsible. The title should have OBVIOUSLLY been "do not drink coke zero while reading this."

Anonymous said...

You crack me up...I had to read his to my hubby! Too funny!!

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