Today we had our first rainy day in quite a while.
(at least I think it's been awhile. my brain still isn't quite up to par)
It was supposed to rain yesterday when my parents came to visit.
They were coming to hang out with Claire since I thought she could use
a little 'fun time' sans the little brother.
One of the 'activities' they were going to do was take a walk in the rain.
And I think it was during that conversation with my Mom where I had
to admit that I've never done that with Claire.
I do not claim to be Mother of the Year.
In fact, I don't think I could even be nominated.
I let my kid...
... watch too much TV ...
... eat chips ...
... or McDonalds ...
... I'm not the finest cook ...
... don't like 'outdoorsy' stuff ...
... let her play with play-dough for the first time the other day ...
(because it was a gift)
... and I encourage 'independent play' ...
but before you call CPS
I do...
... let her wear whatever she wants when we're home ...
... have conversations with her while singing in an 'opera voice' ...
... paint her toe nails ...
... buy her frilly dresses that she can spin in ...
... write out words so she can trace them ...
... and let her sleep with me when she needs to ...
(even though I wasn't a fan of co-sleeping)
So to ease my guilt of the never 'walking in the rain' thing,
I decided that today was the day that was all going to change.
we got our boots
and our umbrella
we walked this way
and that way
and then I finally let her step into the 'gutter' where the water was
and she splished and splashed to her hearts content
she walked in the water while singing 'Tomorrow' from the movie 'Annie'
all and all, it was a fun activity and I probably should have done it sooner.
(although my umbrella had a hole in it and I was worried my camera was getting wet)
seeing that smile on my little girl's face brought a big smile to my face.