
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Countdown to Korea: 10 Days Left

Ten days. That sounds like forever, and a fragment of a second all at the same time. I've referenced my 'To Do' list that I need to get done, so like a good mother, I decided it was time to finally start it. Today consisted of re-organizing the garage (so more stuff could be added to it), a non-stop run of laundry, and the switching of two bedrooms. 

I made a super poor decision to move Claire from her current bedroom, to the 'spare'. The spare is an annoying room as it's always too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. (but then we found out there was zero insulation in the ceiling so we got that fixed and now the temperature is more 'normal') It's also really bright in there. On the main wall, there's this random small-ish window located at an awkward height. I have to get some kind of custom blind made for it, and it pains me to think I have to waste money on it. Another issue with that window is that it's totally visible from the street. So I was having a hard time figuring out what color wouldn't look completely stupid. (I'm sure this is making no sense to you to all... so I'll cut to the chase...) So I came up with this ghetto fabulous make-shift window treatment. I took a foam square' I had (it's like 22"x24") and I put a navy bath towel around it and shoved it in the window. It totally blocks the light, and from the street it doesn't look weird at all! NICE! (and it was free!) But I digress...

So the plan was to have Claire move to her 'big girl room' with the 'big girl bed' and Charlie would have the crib in the old nursery. We also have a queen mattress set on the floor in case Charlie doesn't take to the crib right away. Well, Claire likes sleeping on the mattresses. In fact... she won't sleep in the big girl room... and Charlie will be here soon... 

Unfortunately, the Lesiw family is not gifted in the area of 'handyman skills', so I called my Dad. My parents came down and helped us move the furniture between the too rooms and my Dad hung a bunch of stuff for me as well. AWESOME. Know what else was awesome? We went to IKEA for dinner. I love me some Meatballs/Mashed Potatoes/Lingonberries  - can I get an amen?!

And the cherry on top of all this, is that Claire is sleeping in her new 'big girl room' in her 'big girl bed'!!! Well... she actually opted to sleep on the trundle... but I'll take it! All we have left to do is switch out the curtains and then I think we'll be done! So while I don't have any pictures now, I probably will by tomorrow. 

I think I accomplished more today than I have in some time. Hope this trend continues for the next 9 days!


Anonymous said...

Good Job!!!! It sounds like you've been super busy. I am working to finish the scard for FF and then I'm going to work on Thank you notes and start packing, maybe! We'll see...maybe some of your motiation will wear off on me!!!!

Leah said...

Amen! Great way of time to stay busy. I love figuring things out (when they work out!) ;)

JimandJackie said...

10 days will fly but may also seem like 10 years. Was just planning an IKEA trip tonight...kind of like marathon training!

Wisners said...

Sounds great! Can't wait to see it!

Kimberly and Ed said...

Wow! You got a lot accomplished in one day. Have you had the breakfast at Ikea - also yummy:-)

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