
Friday, October 29, 2010

Sibling Rivalry

I guess technically to have true sibling rivalry you need two participants.

at this point Charlie doesn't realize what's going on.

he's just going about doing his thing
(which is picking up every small thing on the floor and trying to eat it)

 So how did this sweet girl

turn into this?

We've been trying to do little outings in between Charlie's nap times.
And since our mall partially burnt down, that left one other place.

It's called 'The Fountains' and true to it's name,
it has a big fountain at the center that comes
complete with a water show timed to music. 
(I know, it's like our own mini Bellagio)

I brought my camera with the hopes of getting some good sibling shots
but the eldest sibling was just not havin' it.

Instead it was full me yelling things like...

Hey guys - Claire, Charlie - Look at Momma!
Yoo-Hoo - over here - HEY!!!

GENTLE! Do NOT knock him down!

He's allowed to walk around!

no words
{her eyes say it all}

But even though Claire is still working on being a super great big sister,
she still has her moments of kindness...

like when she tried to help Charlie eat breakfast all by herself.


Leah said...

Awwww, don't ya just love it!? It is so great to see them together, sibling rivalry and all! :)

BTW I love his shoes!

Elizabeth (and Dan) said...

So funny! I had a good laugh this morning thanks to your great pics and captions. You should definitely turn your blog into a memory book for Charlie and Claire. What awesome memories.

Elizabeth (and Dan) said...

So funny! I had a good laugh this morning thanks to your great pics and captions. You should definitely turn your blog into a memory book for Charlie and Claire. What awesome memories.

Karen said...
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KJ said...

love love love all the photos of your kiddos! they are absolutely adorable!
your posts totally make my day so much easier as i wait for my own referral!
thanks a bunch!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm literally laughing out loud at my computer from that last picture. I forgot what the rest of your post was about when I saw that, lol!!!! SO adorable, contest worthy, in my opinion.

The Parsons' blog said...

this post is SO perfect and true. I laughed.

Allergy Mum said...

I think that getting pecked to death by chickens would be easier than taking a good photograph of any child under 8, let alone 2 children. So frustrating… Allergy Mum -

IP Journey said...

Hi! I just found your blog and love it! We just brought home our son Joel from Korea 3 months ago and we have a 4 year old boy too and all those captions just rung so true to my heart!

Kimberly and Ed said...

I LOVE the last photo!!!

Paula Sloan said...

Rachel, it does get easier! I promise! Claire will come around with some time. Love the posts; you totally crack me up!!! Keep 'em coming, mama and keep on keeping on... you're doing great!

4dogs said...

Love the photos...and love Claire's outfit! Where did you get it? They are both too stinking cute!

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